Thursday, June 14, 2012


Sunday Dinner
Tigger’s mother (Mima) was a great cook.  I have very fond memories of arroz con pollo and platanitos maduro .   This is still my favorite comfort food.   I soon realized if I wanted to eat at Tiggers on Sunday, I most definitely needed to manage my learning skills as it pertained to speaking Spanish.   Immediately after Tigger's family moved in to the home across the street, I came to the realization that “Americana” was my new nickname.  Or at least the name I was given at Tigger’s house.   “Quieres comer?”  Now we are talking.   I was about to feast on the most delectable meal around.   Now speaking Spanish was paramount to my happy tummy and vital for the many things that were yet to come. 
Ghost stories were rampant at Tigger’s.  We would tell the usual scary stories.    Tigger always had a new story about an old lady that lived with them at their home.  Was the old lady part of the family? Had she moved in with them?  Where did she sleep?  I had yet to see her but Tigger swore she lived there.  I guessed I would meet her soon.  And so I did!
Beads and the Stone
Tigger’s home was decorated differently, smelled enticingly delicious and even the music was something I had never experienced.   She had “strange stuff” at her house.   Nothing I had ever seen before.  However, I found all of these differences mysteriously familiar.   Mima wore multi-colored beads that looked different than hippie beads.  These were not made of wood nor did they have a peace sign hanging from them.  I was oddly attracted to their unique beauty. 

Inside of an octagonal end table lived a stone head that you could see only when the table doors were open.   The head had what looked like eyes, a nose and a mouth made from……….shells?  It had a feather sticking out of the top of the head.  Was it a bird?  I had a parakeet at home but our bird looked nothing like this little guy.  Besides, the head drank coffee and smoked cigars.  

Odd? Yes!  Scary? No.  Strangely, I felt a bond that attracted me to these cultural differences.  Without realizing it, I was on the road to my destiny.  


  1. I can't wait to keep reading your story! :D :D

  2. I love Reading your story I can't wait to read more of your Story ...... I also Like to take the time and express My Feelings I'm so Happy that you have crossed my path I will be grateful for My Life Time How your Wisdom and Knowleage have given me and My Kids a better Future and with your Guidence will keep on the right path " To All That Reads this take everything in that Ruby has to say she will guide you in the right path ! " I Love You even if I don't Always say it , Mari
