Saturday, July 7, 2012


Cards and Fortunes
My family spent summer vacations in Georgia visiting my mother's cousin and my Grandmother.   We stayed at my Grandmother’s home while visiting.  My Grandmother was a kind soft spoken woman that I loved.  She could tell your fortune with deck of playing cards.   I deliberated long and hard as to how she was able to foresee the future in red and black diamonds, clubs, spades and hearts.   I always came back to the same conclusion; she must know something the rest of us didn’t.   But, what? 
Cards and Tea
Cousin was an eccentric well-known medium.  Similar to my Grandmother, he read playing cards. For those of you that I read for, it is just you, me and Spirit. No playing cards for me. During our vacation, he gave my Mother the skeptic, a reading via tea leaves. She was still a non-believer. People came from all over for readings with Cousin.  Mostly everyone, with the exception of his clientele, thought he was CRAZY.  Looking at his artwork that spills out of his home and embraces the surrounding walls to his property, would lead even the most open minded of us to take note.  There are many stories about him.  The most remarkable one is of a reporter that wrote an article about him, his beliefs and his art.  He told the reporter that people judged him and laughed at him behind his back but not to be mistaken, he would “have followers after his death.”  Did the cards or my Mother's tea leaves tell him that? 

Cousin made me beads for my protection.   I never really wore them and he knew it!    He and I had a bond; to me it was just a cousin thing, but it was much more than that.  It was a bond that would not be broken through the years, over great distance or even death.   Unfortunately, while he was alive, I was too young to understand that he was a gift.   His death was sadly tragic and untimely.  Interestingly enough, he was correct, he has followers.  Today, Cousin boast of his own web page, his art tours the US, has a street named after him and his home is open for tours.  Even though he is extremely busy, he is my spirit guide and I am his student.  I love him with all of his quirky eccentricity.  Some things just don’t change, not even after death.
Thread That Binds US

Looking back I see Ann Marie and playtime, Tigger my greatest compass, Danda, the old lady, my Grandmother with her playing cards and cousin my spirit guide with his turban and skirt, oh I forgot to mention the skirt, huh? (picture below) Like I said before, not even death changes some things, like skirts.  Keeping in mind that death does not change things including your clothing, I recommend you wear clothes you really like.  Regardless, in a very unique way everything in my life was connecting or seemed to share a common thread that was guiding me, propelling me to find my path.  And find it, I did!!!!



1 comment:

  1. I love your story and your cousin Edwin he now helps you and guides you ?

    Have you seen him after he passed?(In The skirt?)

    By the way you still got those killer legs girl..

    Can't wait till the next edition....Mari
