Monday, September 9, 2013


I have always thought we are all psychic or have the potential to be.   I don't have any lengthy studies, data obtained by questionnaires or any logic driven information to back up my theory.   But I assure you, I am certain that we all are psychic. 
My friends have two daughters, a twelve year old and the other is five or six.   During a visit to their home yesterday, as I sat in the living room, I became acutely aware that their youngest child "Sarah" is psychic.  Even though the child was not in the room with us, she was upstairs in her bedroom, my vision of "Sarah's" psychic connection was so intense that I was compelled to share this revelation with her parents.  Sure, everyone has the ability to be psychic.  But, "Sarah" is blessed with a gift.  She will not need guidance to learn to use her gift.   "Sarah" has a natural gift, one to be enjoyed and used to help others.   She does not question it.  She accepts it as part of her being.  It comes a naturally as breathing,  you don't need to think about it, you just do it. 

Later that same afternoon, I did a reading for a client that I have read for before.  In doing the reading, Spirit wanted me to tell my client that she already knew, prior to the reading, certain issues that came up during the reading.  She confirmed that Spirit was correct.  She had a "feeling" that what Spirit confirmed, was true.  
We all have this amazing gift.  We just need to be aware.  This awareness gives us the ability recognize the difference between just thinking or what we perceive to be a personal thought and an actual psychic message.  Psychic messages come to us in different manners.  Your Spirit Guides will share information with you in a manner that will not frighten or alarm you.  Your guides know how to communicate effectively and in a manner that is acceptable to you.  Awareness and acceptance is your first step to having the ability to communicate with your Spirit Guides. 

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