Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Meditation provides great benefits to everyone that practices regularly such as, a calm peaceful feeling, relieving stress, increased awareness and gratitude.   I love meditation; it intensifies a line of communication with Spirit.   Meditation improves my ability to hear Spirit and my clarity in spiritual vision.  I meditate daily for this reason.  In all fairness I have received significant benefits from meditation in addition to Spirit communication.   Meditation can be as simple or as complex as you make it.  Initially, you may want to schedule time for meditation as it is important to dedicate time for you.    

You will need to find a quiet area that affords you comfortable seating.   Turn off all technology to avoid being disturbed.   Choose a chair or couch that you can comfortably sit on with your feet on the floor. 

Step One:  Close your eyes.  Take seven deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Utilize slow steady breathing. Focus only on your breath.  If your mind starts to wander bring its attention back to your breathing. 

Step Two:  Keeping your eyes closed; envision a white light illuminating the sky.   Visualize your light.  Is it soft or bright?  Receive this light from God or the Universe.  Visualize your light as it descends from the sky entering the top of your head (your crown chakra).  Imagine the light warming you, watch it slowly spill into your body filling you with love.  View the light as it runs onto the floor and down into the ground below your feet.  Fill the Earth with your loving white light watching as it enters the ground and flows down into Earth. 

Step Three:  From the ground beneath you, imagine a different colored light (avoid black). Run your Earth color up through your feet into your body, filling it with your color.  Feel your Earth color as it soothes your body.  View your Earth color as it exits your crown chakra and meets the sky.   Fill the sky with your Earth color.  Simultaneously run your white light down into the ground and your Earth light up to the heavens through your body.

Step Four:  Visualize a cord.  Give it a color.  This is your grounding cord.  Attach it to your belly button and run it down into the middle of the Earth.  Through this cord you will release all anger, fear or resentment. You will want to eliminate toxic people and situations through your grounding cord. Visualize these problematic people, situations and feelings as you send them out your grounding cord into the middle of the Earth.  Repeat this with any feelings or people that may be blocking your ability to be completely at peace.  

Step Five:  Remove the cord; drop it into the Earth, taking with it all residual misfortune.  Thank the Earth for assisting in your cleansing.  Thank your white light and your Earth color in illuminating your life.  Slowly begin to acknowledge your body, starting at your feet, then your legs, body, arms, head and surroundings.  Open your eyes.  Look around.  You’re safe and sound and on your way to your path to your personal destiny.